Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000272_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 26 23:15:55 1997.msg
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
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To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 22:00:21 +0500
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: Mushroom PD - AMOS Public Domain Library
Subject: Re: Mr problems continued...
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It was on the night of 27-Nov-97, when no creatures were stirring, and all was
silent. Suddenly, Alastair jumped out from behind a rock and wouldnt stop
shouting about "Mr problems continued..." until I was forced to knock them
The compiler manual explains about lts of If/THEN statements, and
reccomends you turn the JUMP fuction to ON.
-> I'm now pretty sure that the problems with Backbone are due to AMOS
-> bugs. Specifically to do with IFs and large variables.
-> One thing I found is I can't define this Dim MAP(200,200,1) when a
-> program is compiled whereas it works fine when interpreted.
-> Thats not a real problem on it's own but in combination with all the
-> others it is.
-> I'm going to go through my program and reduce any Dim's I can and also
-> do something about lots of nested IF, ELSE etc 's.
-> Does anyone know what the SPECIFIC problem is.
-> e.g.
-> Does lots of IF, ELSE IF's do it?
-> Is it just lots of nested IFs, ENDIF's ?
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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